bLight Ant task

The bLight Ant task is used to pre-compile templates.

Basic usage

Add the task to your build target.

    <typedef resource="blight-ant.xml" classpath="blight-dist/tools/blight-ant-task.jar"/>

    <blight.compileTemplates outputDir="${basedir}/target/compiled-templates">
        <!-- Include your template packages here -->

To allow on-demand compilation during development, ensure that the task is only run when creating a distribution of your application.

Task options

The Ant task can be configured using the parameters below.

Parameter name Description Type Default value Required
sourceDir The paths to at least one or more source directories. Nested element - Yes
package The fully qualified names of one or more package to compile. Nested element - Yes
outputDir The directory to place compiled templates source code. String target/compiled-templates No
templateMethod The name of the template method. Only this method will have comments replaced with executable code. String execute No
commentReplacementPrefix The prefix to insert before each comment replacement. String write( No
commentReplacementSuffix The suffix to insert before each comment replacement. String ); No
extraCode Extra code to insert into the compiled template. This will be executed in an initialiser block. String setCompiled(true); No