bLight command-line compiler

The bLight command-line compiler is used to pre-compile templates.

Basic usage

The compiler can be run directly using the jar file from the bLight binary distribution.

java -cp lib/blight-compiler-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.aleax.blight.compiler.BatchCompiler -s src/main/java -p example.mycompany.myapp.templates -o target/compiled-templates

Compiler options

Running the compiler without any command-line arguments will print out the usage instructions and exit.

Basic usage:

    java com.aleax.blight.compiler.BatchCompiler -s <source dirs...> -p <package names...> -o <output dir>

Optional compiler settings:

    -method <method name>   -- The template method name, default "execute"
    -prefix <prefix>        -- replacement prefix, default "write("
    -suffix <suffix>        -- replacement suffix, default ");"
    -code <code>            -- extra code to insert, default "setCompiled(true);"